Statement on Roe v. Wade

Michael Greer O'Shea
2 min readJun 24, 2022

Today is a dark day in America. Roe v. Wade has been overturned and our constitutional right to privacy has been taken by an extremist Supreme Court. Almost half a century of settled law was torn down by activist judges in the interest of a noisy minority with extremist beliefs.

Here’s the truth: we’re all pro-life, but the opposite of pro-choice is pro-control.

These extremist factions are seeking to control bodily autonomy and impose their minority beliefs on the majority and it is an insult to our democracy.



Michael Greer O'Shea

Running for NC House 117. Former candidate for Congress. 1st millennial on the NC-11 Dem Primary ballot. Music producer and Realtor with a Philosophy degree.